In an open letter to David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the UK, Stephen Fry compared Putin's actions against gays in Russia to Hitler's massacre of the Jews during World War II.  While Putin's actions as of late are similar to early Hitler antics, comparing the actions of Hitler to Putin's is a bit insensitive.  Seeing as Stephen Fry is Jewish himself, I would have expected him to be a bit more sensitive.  

Putin has yet to exterminate mass numbers of gays, nor has he viciously invaded and taken over surrounding countries.  What Stephen Fry over looks is that many people suffered under the reign of Hitler, and while Jews suffered the most, other people were also striped of their rights.  For example, aryans (white people with blonde hair and blue eyes) could not marry or be married to non aryans.  

While Stephen Fry is correct in saying that the laws against LGBT athletes is sickening, and action should be done, comparing this to Hitler's massacre of the Jews is disgusting.  One cannot compare the two.  Therefore, Stephen Fry largely over exaggerated Putin's laws in his open letter. 
On a side note, Hitler actually allowed gays to compete in the 1936 Olympics, held in Berlin, despite having laws against homosexuals.  He did not want to be criticized by the rest of the world for his harsh laws.

Andy Choi
10/10/2013 01:01:33 pm



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