1. "Professor Tillman.  Most of us here are not scientists, so you may need to be a little less technical" (Page 10)
This quote was said by an audience member, during which Don was giving a lecture on Aspergers to families with members afflicted with the disease.  This quote shows that Don is a professor, and that he is very smart, and as a result, he tends to over look and assume that people will understand what he is saying.  He can come off as being a little bit cocky, but in actual fact he too most likely suffers from Aspergers (it is implied in the book, but hasn't been explained upfront).

"Did the symptoms [of Aspergers] remind you of anyone?" (Page 24).  The quote is said by one of Don's two friends, Olivia.  This is where my theory that he has Aspergers originated.  The story is also told in first person, and Don's actions are quirky and odd.  Don also admits himself he has trouble in social situations, an example being that this quote is said after he showed up unexpectedly at 7:30 in the morning, while Olivia and her family was eating breakfast.

2. The questionnaire - The novel is about Don's quest to find his perfect match.  Since he is so obsessed with time, he constructs a questionnaire to save time and filter out all bad candidates.  The only problem with the questionnaire is that he has set the bar too high, and as a result, his questionnaire returns zero matches. 

Don's watch - Although this item is not mentioned in the novel, I chose Don's watch because it is essential to his daily life.  Don is obsessed with time, and he constantly plans his life out down to the minute.  He also dislikes it when events run long, or when people are late or early.  As a result, one of the questions in his questionnaire is about how late they are. The only acceptable response is "on time", although he does allow the response "a little early", after his questionnaire turns away every candidate.

Gene's schedule/diary - Gene is Don's only male friend, and as a result, Don constantly leans on Gene for help and advice.  As Don is such a control freak, he constantly changes and adds appointments in Gene's diary to make room for his own appointments.

Apricot Ice-cream - Don frequently refers to a horrible date as the "Apricot Ice-cream date".  This date caused him to rethink dating for a while.  The date went really well until he and his date went for ice-cream.  His date would only eat the ice-cream if it was apricot, however, the ice-cream parlour only had mango.  Don tried to convince his date that mango ice-cream tasted the same as apricot, "due to the chilling effect the ice-cream has on the tastebuds", and he even attempted to do a taste test; however, his date left.